I think that you have been listening to too much of the Republican rhetoric that has been floating around out there.
The real reason people seem to be against this bill, is like you, they see it as socialism because that is what the Republican leadership is saying. Most people take at face value what their leaders tell them is true. By leaders, I mean the people that we elect to public office. Most people are too busy, or too lazy to get involved, or unable to comprehend all the legal and technical language that is entailed in this bill, or any bill that is proposed.
You have Republicans saying that this is socialism, a government take over, and so on, or let's start all over again. Had they really been interested in reform, they would have been in the trenches from the beginning. Right? Instead, they stood by and planted seeds of distrust in the media, knowing that seeds would grow and blossom to what is today.
I currently do consulting work at Los Alamos National Laboratory and deal with scientists on a daily basis that know a hell of alot more than I do. And when it comes to this health care bill, which most of them have read by the way, agree that this bill is not socialism. My wife, who is an attorney that specializes in contract law, has poured over this with me and has concluded that this bill is by no means a government take over either. This bill is more like consumer protection. It's telling insurance companies that you can no longer deny coverage for pre-existing conditions. You can no longer raise rates with out adequate justification. You can no longer have lifetime caps attached to any policy.
This bill takes away the anti-trust exempt status that insurance companies have now. This will for the first time allow competition into the health insurance industry. This will allow a consumer to shop across state lines and find cheaper rates.
As with any legislation, there are deals that are intertwined in it. Deals that the House doesn't like. There are "fixes" that are in the works that take out those deals.
I am waiting on those "fixes". Once I have them, them I will post a link.
Re: After Supporting Medicare Cuts Through Reconci
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