I am tired of your lies and your spin while you claim others do it. It isn't incorrect. Obama said. I am not even going to the trouble of finding how many times he said it. Just because you don't want to remember is your problem. You are incorrect but not smart enough to know it. Problem is you really think you are smart. Went to school and had some professor teach you from the left and you believe everything a smooth talking president says. Grow up. when you are my age you will know more about these people. Right now you just look like a young punk fresh out of college.......I bet you are around ........30.
Oh just for the hell of it. here is one saying more than 3 million
wait here's another one
Oh and here is one saying they said the stimulus saved 2 million jobs.........God where do you get your facts???
Stop and listen. Maybe you will learn something.
Re: CBO report: Stimulus bill created up to 2.1 mi
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