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Re: IF You Are an employee who does installs 6 day

Have you noticed that this problem mainly exists on the installation side?  Also have you noticed that mainly the installation side has been affected by mandatory employee based contractors?  Underground?  How about construction?  Splicing?  Sweeping?  I can work as an independant insurance adjuster and they will dictate everything about my job.  Time frames and everything up to the software I use on my computer.  You have a time frame to do those jobs and its the law for said insurance companies.  Long hours for a flat rate.  Most everyone in that business is educated, wonder why they haven't sued to get that OT?  Its due to thinking through the pros vs cons.  What I am getting at is personal, its affected everyone in this business.  You have the option to not do the job if it bothers you.  This model has worked without complaint for 15 years in the cable business.  The slackers fell by the wayside.  Things started to changed 8 years ago.  People wanting all these bennies, in the end the techs pay is the thing that suffered.  What will/has happened, no overtime will be allowed.  Period.   Even though many of your fellow workers depend on these funds to hang on during the slow periods you don't consider the after affects.  Now instead of making the big bucks they will simply send you to the house.  I know of installation companies that are happy with a 10-15% profit margin.  How many of you think they will cut their margin to offer overtime?  Can you manage a large system paying overtime without cutting the techs rates?  No they will not and did not.  These companies have changed their rates to comply.  In the end the tech that got the fat check makes less per year now.  Thats the discussion isn't it.  If your an employee that does installs 6 days a week then you should be making good money and if you want a 40 hr work week then by all means push your agenda.  All I did was point out how in the last 2 years the prices nosedived.  During that time WC claims hit the roof, GL claims grew, company auto accidents raised, and OT lawsuits popped up everywhere.  It sounds like I am blaming techs for what happened.  Well I am.  Techs do control this industry.  Their actions dictate the direction.  Rates too low for the labor well ask Micky D's about finding workers.  Don't work for low wages and if you can't make a good living when its slammed on the installs you should be doing something else.  If its a scumbag company that pays late, convenient backcharges, and rips their techs off then I suggest use every option available to you .  Otherwise one can destroy a good company with the actions you are suggesting. 
This is posting #293125. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: IF You Are an employee who does installs 6 day by oowopetu
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