The hacks are the guys who are always complaining about how cheap the prices are and quote "I don't get paid enough to fix it". When we go onto a project we are all told the price and scope of work. The last 2 projects I have been on the prices have not been great and the scope of work in the sweep was to fix everything except the bad cable. This means if you have to break apart a connector or resplice a new tap or active if it there was an issue with the sweep or levels everything included in the sweep price. I can't tell you how many times I have gone out to re-sweep cable that has been replaced where the sweeper turns it in for bad cable and it isn't because they are too lazy to either fix the problem or don't know how to trouble shot. Bottom line when a person is told the prices and the scope of work and that person accepts the job do it right without this BS of "I don't keep paid enough to fix it crap"! If a person dosen't like the price stay home. I can tell you I have in the past not gone to projects because I felt the prices were way to cheap. Don't get me wrong do I complain because of the prices being cheap yes. Will I not fix something because of the prices no!
This is posting #292126. Tiny Link: