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Re: Question to Republicans

Where in the Constitution does the federal government draw its power to regulate healthcare at all? The states have all of the rights to do whatever they want on all issues congress is not expressly given or that the states are expressly denied by the Constitution. If an individual state wants to pass health care like California did, so be it. But from where I sit the federal government has no authority to be involved in this at all. That is the biggest reason I am pissed about this whole mess. DC has gotten way to big big for its britches and has lost its fear of the citizenery.

And now the same thing you accuse the r's for today is what you correctly say about the d's under Bush. The 2 parties care more about their own power and how they look in front of a tv camera than they do about doing their job as intended. Everything in DC is now a 10 second sound clip. But no one can deny that what they are doing now is NOT what the founders of this country intended for the feds to be doing. And it is the reason you are seeing the push back on both sides.

I am a registered republican, because I stand for their stated goals. With that said, I am not a straight party ticket guy ever. I believe both parties still exist because they need each other to be able to point the finger at someone else rather than because of their differences. They both spend too much, only follow the Constitution when it serves their own needs and ignore it when it doesn't.

As far as your last paragraph, I still cannot stomach what the current bill does. There are way too many on tape comments made by all of the movers and shakers involved in this bill that have said they are in favor of single payer and that they will move us toward that eventuality. That would be social security scale disaster. Their own actions the last 20 or so years is why they are not to be trusted. And when you are tinkering with something like this, you cannot afford to do it half way.
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