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Re: some people are just crazy

well. it is going a different way than i wanted   i rarely drink, only meds i take beta blockers for my bypass surgery   my wife is carolyn stepdaughter is susan, the lady they went back to is marsha    when it imploded oct2009 i was in email contact with my aps mentor,who i had been in touch with for over 2 years  in 2007 my stepdaughter was put in the system in kansas due to allegations of abuse against her father. she spent 6 months there due to marshas interference, when she should not have spent 2 weeks.  as far as me being debriefed in oct 2009 I told my aps mentor there are a number of things they need to know, especially if i am not around, like 1 in oct 2007 as part of the deal to get susan back carolyn had to have a mental health intake, i took her, but did not attend, just waited in the lobby, it went  longer than we thought, almost 2 hours.  carolyn was quite when she came out, did not say much, her choice. 2 nights later her church was serving a community meal, she wanted to go, i took her. right before we went in she got in a bad mood, was bawling, dragging her feet, we went in, marsha was there, i wanted to go, carolyn was insistent about staying, bawling and wailing, marsha was in the background with a sly smile on her face. that was 1 long long long  20 minutes. we finally left and went home, then carolyn started picking a very ugly fight with me, i could not reach her, i finally had enough, grabbed my bedding, said i am sleeping in the truck, and told her straight out if she walked out the door behind me i am going to the truck stop.  she wisely stayed inside, i did sleep in the truck, the next morinng I went inside, she was somber, and said i knew not to walk out the door. I said she was learning if she could quit picking fights that would be a plus. then i explained for all the bulls##t marshas i had heard while we were dating there was something she said twice in 2006 and twice in 2007, In a normal tone of voice she said when susan was learning to talk marsha wanted susan to call her mom, and carolyn carolyn. i did not believe or disbelieve   the night of her mental health intake she was talking in her sleep, saying the same thing, only this time she was really idnignant, and if you were an outsider listening in she was believable, and it was not right for her to expect me to be around marsha, especially with her in such an off mood. that is what i have been trying to undo in susan, plus build a mother daughter relationship, plus build carolyn up.  the aps mentor said for all of us to get to a mental health center, me first, i have to keep my head on straight.   i have to be a husband, a father and a teacher, and some days more of a teacher, . I considered her advice, there are a number of reasons i did not go myself, mainly because all they would do is unload my mentility, and tell me i am going through some s##t, which i know.   yes in this case i know more than the dr, he prescribed meds for carolyn, without doing follow up on her.  on meds carolyn can get stuck on a marsha that I can not pull her away from with a freight train engine, off her unnecessary meds she is a highly intelligent woman.  when we relocated we switched dr, i told this dr the deal, she praised me for it, and said too many drs over medicate people.   marsha had her wearing depends so they could get them free so her mom could get half. carolyn does not know how to stand up for herself.  I saw carolys chiro dr a month after it imploded, i told him what was up, he said the things that impressed him the most was i was teaching the girls to be indepndant and building their self esteem, and i was always so patient, he could not believe how patient i was. i am not going to the mental health center, i have been and still am aproaching law enforcement, and working my way up they ladder until i get results, and handcuffs on marsha and family for 2 1/2 years of stalking, wrecking, no matter where it goes nobody can change the fact that on Jan 8th, 2008 the aps/dhs and local police did recommend and assisted me in checking the girls into a womens shelter due to a kidnap threat from marsha!   thanks for all the replys larry
hello im trying to get a phone # or email for GTS in Ga, if anybody has it i would appreciate it, email at
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Posted in reply to: Re: some people are just crazy by drifterdawg
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Re: some people are just crazy scooterz56 2/9/2010 7:50:12 PM
Re: some people are just crazy WeeWah 2/9/2010 1:27:37 PM