Over the past 2 weeks, I have run across at least half a dozen female installers doing Direct and it got me to wondering
Have the women started taking these jobs because the men have walked away from them because the pay was just too damn low? Don't get me wrong, I feel that the women can and do a great job doing the installs, it's just the pay for them has dropped off and we (men) have built this industry and watched as the cost of materials, gas, insurance, etc have all risen, and the prices of the jobs have gone down. Now we no longer feel that these rates are worth doing the job.
I talked with one of these gals, and she was very happy being a in house tech. She boasted about her 18.00 an hour job, and was quick to point out that the charge backs made the 18 much lower. The fact that her company was doing three QC's on every job told me no matter how well they train you, they will find a way to screw money out of your pocket.
This is not sexist!
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