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Re: New policy from charter, How many will lose th

Heres some more shit to to get stuck in your craw.

I have a friend that comes here every year for winter vacation, he has a son that was in the Army and his son was like in his 2nd year and he witnessed a Hit & Run outside the front gates of Fort Huachuca where he is stationed at, well he went and chased down the car that left the scene of the H/R and put the Suspect in the Ditch and the Sireara Vista,Az PD, told him Thanks for the assistance by Arresting him and charging him with a 2nd Degree Felony of attempted vehicular manslaughter.

For doing what he felt was the honorable thing to do, It was a illegal alien who hit the women, he had no drivers licenses, no insurance, the women he hit spent 2 months in the hospital and has lifetime disabilities from the drivers action that hit her and ran, Now this Solider that is serving our country has a Felony and has been given a dishonarble discharge from the Army and is facing a Prison sentence, for doing what he felt was the right thing to do, During the court marshal hearing he was told that it was a civil matter, not a problem of the army, but the commission of a felonious act was grounds for a cort marshal and he got screwed by the Gov. and is still in the process of getting screwed by the State of Arizona

So what ever Charter is doing is following the route of being angel's, and I guarantee that the CEO of Charter has many felonious acts in his skeleton closet
but like most CEO'S they are above the Law
This is posting #287326. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: New policy from charter? How many will lose there by CableTek101
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