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Re: Health Care Compromise Is Unconstitutional!

sab said "You seem to decide what I mean and what I like for me. Just like a liberal. If you aren't a liberal you speak to me like one."

see, the point of my whole post. anyone who doesnt agree with you is a "liberal".

sab said "Not the one the media wants you to think."

you always come back to this. that anyone who doesnt agree with you is brainwashed by the "mainstream" media. this directly translates to "you would agree with me if you were better informed". your side is very easy to see, but i dont feel the same fear and paranoia that you feel. i disagree, but this doesnt mean that i am uninformed or just not as smart as you (although i may not be lol). 

sab said "Also you will find in another thread that I gave BOTH sides of the issue. Have you?"

i usually ignore most posts where the democrats are put down and the republicans are made too look great. the reason? because i dont care. but sometimes when you refuse to see the responsibility of the republican party, i speak up. its really just a small hope that you might consider for a second that your point of view is one-sided and often comes across as completely fanatical.

for the most part, i dont feel my opinions show either side. i like to think that my opinions are somewhere in the middle, open to possibilities that would be sneered at by one party or the other.

sab said "So you say what you want but you don't ask me questions about my statements the way I ask others"

i dont feel that i need to ask you any questions. you are fairly articulate and your meaning seems very plain. if you feel that you are being misunderstood, maybe you dont understand yourself or your motives as well as you think. or maybe you just dont realize the pattern that you are setting and reinforcing with newer posts.

i really enjoy talking with you about things. you are intelligient and seem to have sincere concern for our country. i respect that you have differing opinions but i also feel a responsibility to point out that you come across with anger and bile for the democratic party. now, i dont really care about that but it does call in question your motives and makes you appear biased.

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