Your statement of not helping the "good" illegals versus the bad ones is just pure naive on your part again. I chose to help a"good" illegal who was working with
my man, when he allowed his wife to drive the company truck and drove it right into a flippin ditch because she did not have a license, and neither did he. He has a fake one, no insurance on top of that. The only way he could keep from getting fired on the spot was to have insurance a.s.a.p.. He did not have the $400, so I loaned it, called the insurance company set it up, etc., (because he won't learn to speak english).... He paid me back the money, but he turned right around and stopped paying on that policy and is still driving around on an illegal license and no insurance. Thanks to me he still has a job, but now I see that regardless of the opportunities even the "good" illegals are given, many choose to stay illegal because there is no real incentive nor real punishment that we have for them to want to be legal citizens, and yes they still whine about how terrible we are no matter what we do for them, or don't do for them!!!!
Lastly, I was married to a hispanic man for 10 years. His family came to Colorado five generations ago legally.....and they also feel the same way as me. I did not even know that my husband spoke any Spanish when I met him because his parents made him speak English 99% of the time because it was the language spoken here. Their lively hoods are being taken from them by a huge portion of people who have no reason not to become a U.S. citizen, except they make a better living by being illegal!!! No taxes, no accountability, no responsibility for what happens when they make a mistake.......and boo hoo it is us citizens' fault
no matter what. Like my ex-husband says....they can go f*** themselves....IN ENGLISH!!!! Still pisses me off to this day that the illegal I helped is still working and his boss is just as bad for keeping him now that he knows his employee is illegal! Yeah sweat, take a few illegals into your home and help out and see how many give one whit about you and yours....
Re: points illegal border crossers to water
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