Let me get this straight, you have no healthcare and dont want any even if it is given to you? Why? I mean that in a couple of ways. Why dont you get healthcare? Is it because you dont have the money? If you dont have the money why wouldnt you still want to be covered?
I hope you dont have an accident or fall off a pole or something and end up with a 50,000 dollar hospital bill. I guess you just have so much money that you are self insured. If you dont pay for it who do you think actually does? Even if you had to pay full price (about 400.00 for single or 800.00 for family (group plan) that equals to about 10.5 years of coverage for a single person for high priced insurance (top notch). You can get blue cross blue sheild individual for a single for about 140.00 a month and it would 80% after you met a deductible (500) for the year.
I just dont get it. Why are you so oppose to health care wether it comes from the government or you have to pay for it?
Re: Give me hope Give me reform
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