Actually the term," tips", is an English acronym for, "to insure prompt service". Like everything in life ya gotta grease the wheel if ya want it to go 'round. It's pretty much an accepted practice every where in this hemisphere. It works and I'm comfortable with the practice. It's really an art to "tip" properly and gain from the investment. For example when I go into a unfamiliar establishment I learned a long time ago people are friendlier if you give them money. Throw 'em a buck first round, even before...I've never had anyone refuse it. Standing in line at a nice restaurant with a friend and dates, I saw my bud roll a crumpled up twenty nonchalantly down the reservation book into the mater-des eager hands and we were seated in front of a lot of other people. It works. But those tip jars on the counter are for tourist. I don't even
think about using a tip jar even at a bar, I want my server to know I'm paying.