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Re: NewsBusted

What you say in your post, points to exactly what the liberal types just don't get. Many centrists, and virtually all conservatives, don't like Obama because of his very left agenda, his socialist agenda. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING BLACK, LOL. Of course there are some, maybe many, who don't like him because he is black, just like there are many who don't like a white politician, because he/she is white, or a women, or hispanic, you name it. But most people are beyond those shallow attitudes. As far as his intelligence, I would hope someone who attains the office of president of the United States is fairly intelligent!!! I, for one, am not threatened by his intelligence at all, but only by his anti-American policies!

As far as Obama being hailed as a messianic type. its not hate, but more like amusement, laughter, and outright bewilderment. Most on the social conservative side could easily see through all the campaign hype and promises of Obama, for exactly what they were, words that appeal to the socialists in our society. Words that appeal to the uninformed. Words that appeal to the thoughtless, mindless, blind masses that feel the need for a leader, to tell them what to do, how to think, how to act, how to be! The rest of us like to think for ourselves. Obama is no Hitler, but the parallels are very disturbing, to say the least.

Obama was elected, because he came along at the perfect time in our history for someone with his agenda and background to get elected. A time where any criticism of him is always met with chants of racism from his followers, instead of being debated on its merits. A time where most of the media is so left slanting, that they never called Obama out on any of his campaign promises, but yet tore into his opponents over trivial, and even completely meaningless points.  This country is now divided between those that want the government to run their lives, and those that want to run their own lives.

You see, many of us in this country love it for the principals it was founded on over 200 years ago. And the most basic of those is INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY, INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM OR LIBERTY, AND INDIVIDUAL CHOICES. We don't want or need a socialistic, all powerful government. A government where the citizens only exist as the pawns of the government and its bureaucrats.

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Posted in reply to: Re: NewsBusted by sweatforhire
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Re: NewsBusted sab3r 11/24/2009 2:36:15 PM