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Re: Who Wants To Be Re-Classified???

all the things that you listed that used to go on was when your boy ran the place. i am glad they ran his ass out. i felt like an employee too when he was around.

my profit is controlled by me. if i lose a box or modem i have to pay for it. over 9 years never lost any eq. if i have no gas money i can't work. if my truck breaks down i can't work. over 9 years i have maintaned 3 different trucks. i have lost only 1 day of work due to truck problems. if i don't manage my money and pay for my insurance i can't work. if i do shit work i get charged back for that shit work. i haven't seen a charge back in 8 years. i complete work orders fill out the proper paper work and my paycheck is there every other friday. if i ran a shitty business i would lose money. so i run a good business and make money. sounds like the ball is in my court.

i work when i want. i work 6 days because i choose to do so. i know alot of guys who work 5 days a week because they choose to.

i was trained by friends that where in the biz for years. not by knight or bh. i never install for a company that would not issue me a spec book. that sounds like a setup for failure.

i have not been forced to attend a meeting with knight management since they ran your boy out and never attended a bh meeting.

last i checked bh was my customer. if bh wants the wall box 5 ft off the ground thats where i put it. if they what there service grounded to power. thats where i am going to ground it. if i am paying someone it do something they are going to do it they way i want it. that is usually how it works.

i spend half my day doing what i want to do. i can go to my kids school and have lunch with them. i can go home, go to a friends house, or go to the mall. these are things you can not do as an employee. shit, if you were an employee and they found out you were on the bar bitchin they would put a stop to that.

and for the clowns you had to take to the ER. good luck passing the drug test you would have to take to file a worker comp cliam as an employee. over 9 years i never fell off a ladder, i have enough common sense to drink water all day, and have never cut any part of my body while cut poly pipe or cable because i am not a burn out.

i have heard the morgan and morgan case has been dropped. someone woke up!!!!!!!!!!!!

see you at the party.

This is posting #281227. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Who Wants To Be Re-Classified??? by KeeperofSecrets
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Who Wants To Be Re-Classified??? Shin 12/1/2009 7:11:16 PM
Re: Who Wants To Be Re-Classified??? KeeperofSecrets 11/23/2009 6:23:58 PM