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Re: just another dem trying to get in as a republi

That is why you cannot get hung up over party affliation. I live in Pa. I know all about Arlen Specter. a politician will go to whatever party they think can get them or keep them in office. There is no moral backbone anymore with these people.

And I guarantee you that Dede has already made a deal that if this works for the dems, she will get a cushy gig somewhere with a dem as a reward. There is no morally right thing being done here, just a quid pro quo. She knew she could not win and cut a deal to get the most for herself when it was all over.

And her history is out there for all to see. See is not a conservative. People need to get off the sofa and do an hours research on any candidate they are going to pull a lever on election day for. All of the idiots in office now, we the people put there. Do your homework and act like it is important. It really is and even more so today.
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Posted in reply to: Re: just another dem trying to get in as a republi by superlinedog
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Re: just another dem trying to get in as a republi lookinatmyfeet 11/2/2009 4:57:18 PM