Re: knight just as bad as r.w.l.
Member #: 69735
Registered: 7/5/2009
Lawless Underground LLC
drop buries and bore
~21 years
well i wasnt an installer i was underground there. some people think its a great place to work. and if there happy there then im happy for them. especially people that new there then they dont know where we are coming from, i kept getin sent down to golden gate estates every day damn near, with 10 or 12 350ft or more drops that had to be done by HAND and they expect you to get them all done in a day, if u didnt you cetch an ear load of shit about it the next morning, when i was there (this part didn happen to me but happened to installers) but when i was there if u were 5 or 10 mins late you got back charged 25 dollars, they didnt care if you were stuck in traffic or if there was an accident or anything if you were late then you were late, heres another good point, i had a customer that says i was cursing and swearin at her but yet i never made contact or even seen her, and comcast and rwl didnt even wanna hear what i had ta say they just wanted me gone, especially after i had been there for 2 years, dont get me wrong rwl was great at a time, until they merged all the offices together. maybe they changed in the last year and a half but when i talkt to to of the underground guys last week they said they were starvin down there, and there lukin to leave but i cant bring them up here i have to one guy i wanted to come up here already here and there aint no more openings up here rite now, rwl was great before the bonita office shut down and merged all to one office, io talkt to 2 people like 2 wks ago down there and they are so unhappy there, I CANT MENTION ANY NAMES OF THE PEOPLE OR PEOPLE THATS IN OFFICE APPARENTLY I CAN GET INTROUBLE FOR THAT. i am so much happier where im at now and i get MORE than double per drop here than i got there, i get one price for rg-6 and anothjer price for rg-11. plus down here we actually get paid for sidewalks wen i left htere they had tooken side walks away. so whom ever you are and wheere ever you go best of wishes to you.
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Posted in reply to: Re: knight just as bad as r.w.l. by KeeperofSecrets
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