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There is a way to change things - for everyones be

I don't want to rehash things that have been talked about over and over on this bar, but I would like to point out my observation, based on 25 years in this business.

The main reason the field workers are getting out right ripped off (in many cases), is because of "supply and demand" in the workforce. When you factor in unknowledgeable workers, there are far more workers then needed. That alone, coupled with many workers unwillingness to leave a company that imposes unethical practices against them, results in the downward spiral of results, attitude, and pay, that we all have been privy to for at least the last decade. Thus the creation of the low balling, unethical contractor, as they know they have an almost endless supply of "workers", especially in the current economic climate.

With the current installation model in place, the only way of stopping this madness in its tracks, would be for the worker to just leave whenever things aren't right! And to tell them why you're leaving. And never, ever listen to any companies "justification" of their anti-worker actions. If they don't have a workforce, they don't have a business!!!!! It's painful, it's tough, and it hurts the worker and his/her family on a short term basis in many cases. But it is the only way to stop it, as it exists now. But for a variety of reasons, I don't see that ever happening. Most people aren't the risk takers that myself, and many others are. It can be very difficult to walk away from any work today, no matter how corrupt, or unethical the company is.

Ironically, the fact that so many companies are bowing down to pressure from Comcast and other MSO's, to reclassify their workforce as W2 (employee) based, is just the foundation needed to bring about unionization of that very same workforce.

I'm not a union person, but I can understand the basic forces that drive workers to the frame of mind, where they want to unionize.

On a related note:

As for me, I very much prefer to be an independent contractor. And that means, if there is an issue with any thing that I've done, tell me about it directly and I will take care of it, in a prompt, professional manner. There is no need to waste money on a hierarchy of "supervisors", whose only function is to pass on information to me. What a waste of time, energy, and money.


To fix this mess, all that the MSO's have to do, is tweak their installation model, by hiring independent contractors directly. An independent contractor that is knowledgeable, will follow the SOW almost 100% of the time (there will always be a few bad apples to weed out). It's nothing but a win-win for everyone. Just make each independent contractor responsible for all of their work, including follow up if/when necessary. If they don't cut it, don't give them work. Most independent contractors know what they are doing. It's a self regulated business, if you don't do it right, you don't get more work. There would be a big, big upside to this model for everyone. The following is a list of just some of the benefits:

1. The MSO's would get the work done by competent professionals, that take pride in their work, and know what they are doing.

2. Any issues would be dealt with swiftly and competently by the person who would already know the background to the situation.

3. The MSO's would get a much higher level of satisfaction from their subscriber base, because they would be getting professional technicians as their "face" in the field.

4. The technicians would receive much higher levels of pay, because you would be cutting out all the middle men (contracting companies, sub contracting companies).

5. More satisfied subscribers means an even easier sell to potential subscribers, which means an increase in new subscribers (the plant is already there, a larger % of subs means higher profits to the MSO).

6. Most MSO's already have the personnel in place to manage this model. Currently, direction from the MSO is going through the Contractor/Sub contractor chain of command. This is a very inefficient process.

7. If someone at a MSO is against this, he/she may be getting kickbacks right now from one or more contracting companies. Kickbacks usually leave the MSO with an inferior contracting company doing the work, as it eliminates fair competition.

In conclusion, the current model used in the Cable TV and Satellite industry just plain DOES NOT WORK! It is clearly broke. The only thing it tends to do is create a bunch of shoddy installs, angry subscribers, angry workers, and angry management. It perpetrates unethical contracting companies, creates seriously underpaid installers, and bloats the whole install process into a bureaucratic like, inefficient process. This is reflecting very poorly on this whole industry, and in particular negatively effects the subscriber, not to mention the bottom line of the MSO.

Steve Delnay

This is posting #275760. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Union by Dishguy28
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Re: There is a way to change things - for everyone bushmaster 10/18/2009 3:29:45 PM