I love doing Dirctv installs but these sub-companies out here makes me HATE the business. I ran my own sub company in Chicago for 2 years until the HSP here started ripping me and my techs off. I shut down because I didn't want my guys to think it was me ripping them off. My books were open to anyone who wanted to know the truth. I emailed all SIN90 reports,On-Time Guarantee reports and Non-Responder Reports to my guys as soon as I got them (2 weeks before they were actually charged back). My techs were my friends and I cared about them and their families like they were my own family. I made a shit load of money but I let it go because I wasn't going to get rich while my guys suffered. Now i'm working for a company that I haven't gotten paid from in 2 weeks (check is the the mail is what they tell me).

As I said I love doing the work but I HATE THIS BUSINESS WITH A PASSION.
Everyone that is reading this check with your local trade school..Here in Chicago ComEd, our local power company, is working with Dawson trade school. They are training people to become Line Technician. It is a 9 month class but it's worth it to get out of the cable/satellite business and have a salary career w/benefits. NO CHARGEBACKS..
I'm just an honest ex-sub owner looking to help out anyway I can. God Bless all of my fellow cable dawgs across the country and I hope you all prosper.