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Re: Is comcast using 1099 sub's in every market

Usually what happens is the cable company hires some w2 contractors, promising them good volume.  The volume is usually not delivered, so the prime has to lay off techs, has trucks sitting, etc.  The prime says to the cable company I need volume or better prices.  The cable company promises both but delivers neither.  The cable company manager can always save some pennies by bringing in new 1099 subs on a moments notice, so he does.  The biggest ripoff is the poor W2 employee who provides his own vehicle.  he is bearing all the costs while losing most of the tax advantages and what little freedom being a 1099 provides.  Talk about the worst of both worlds.  It's a tough business all around, in this environment of "race to the bottom" it is very hard for all involved to keep a personal set of values and ethics, no matter if you are an installer, manager, or company owner, though it appears to be worse for the satellite people then the cable people right now. 
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