I understand people being upset IF what was being done is trying to raise our kids instead of us doing the raising...From what I understand about Obamas kids they are being raised well...I wish I could say the same about all politicians kids...Anyway I don't think Obama has any desire for anyone to raise our kids but us...He already has his hands full with his own children...
Now everyone here it seems has come to the pre-conceived notion that his 'speech' is not in fact giving the students a beginning-of-the-year, do-your-best type of presentation

I mean I'm sure everyone has a reason to not want their children to hear what the president has to say but I have to wonder just how valid those reasons really are...I mean c'mon guys...Think back when you were a kid and for most of you (I hope) this was before there was cable...And think about when the president would come TV and pre-empt the normal programming...Did you really pay attention??? Fuck no...You, just like every other kid, daydreamed about something completely different and you only did that if you even bothered to stick around in front of the tube...Do you honestly believe a pre-K-6 grader is going to give their full undivided attention to Obama??? No...Not unless mommy and daddy are making such a fuss over the guy that curiosity gets the best of them and they do watch...
Ultimately I see this as an additional learning experience...Give your kids some credit and see how they handle what they heard...Then talk to them without showing emotion one way or another about Obama and let them know what they heard should be heeded or not and why...
Anyway I am not trying to argue or say if anyone, including myself, is right or wrong...I am just suggesting that people keep an open mind...Remember...United we stand...Divided we fall...But most importantly don't forget the most important ting...It takes a village to raise a child...