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Why can't I post a query on here as to what has ha

I posted here the other day, wondering where all this work has gone.  We used to travel the country making good money, and working hard, getting paid.  Now I am stuck doing "retention" work for a bs company that sucks, and doesn't get anywhere close to properly compensating their "employees".  This is a valid question.  I have about $6-$8000 in meters and equipment, and need to know if this is becoming obsolete, or if I should keep it up, as I have been, with my fingers crossed.   If this is a "forum" for open discussion, as I have been lead to believe, then do not remove my post.  i am posing an open question which can only be answered by the people on this forum....
Work Hard Play Hard Get Paid
This is posting #262750. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Why can't I post a query on here as to what ha cabl trash 7/27/2009 2:51:59 PM
Re: Why can't I post a query on here as to what ha cablwotalife 7/26/2009 12:26:54 PM