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Re: hmmmm interesting..What if George Bush had....

you are pretty far out in left field with your thinking.  the reason the economy is screwed up is because our stupid grandfathers allowed a third central bank to come into power in this country again over a century ago.  if you stop to think about your money and how the monetary system is mathematically impossible to sustain you will come to the conclusion that all of this was inevitable.  to help get the gears going...

there are only two ways to credit your bank account
1.  deposit a federal reserve note you obtain from someone else
2.  get a new loan

think about that long and hard for a minute and you will realize all new money introduced into circulation is created via #2.

now let's simplify this down to money for dummies 101.

you and i go to the bank and get a loan for $1 and promise to pay back $2.  now there is $2 in circulation and $4 is owed.  did you notice the interest owed was never put in circulation?  how do banks profit from interest if it doesn't exist because it was never created?  they don't... they profit when one of us defaults (at which point they get real property for something created out of thin air) because one of us will since there is only enough money in circulation for one of us to be able to pay back our loan in full.

so what happens when millions of americans are fighting over the credit in circulation to pay back their interest and the amount of new loans suddenly drastically decreases?  well you get what is happening right now.  the government has to pass some ridiculous bail out figure to put an unheard of amount of money into circulation otherwise a whole shitload of people are going to default and the system will crash.
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