You can visualize faith as this big, huge mountain that rises into a peak in the clouds. And at the base of this mountain ringed all the way around it are all these little campsites. And from each one of these campsites is a path, twisting, winding it's way to the peak, where all these other paths all converge into one. These campsites are the different faiths of the world, each society and culture being represented. And each path leading up is the path that particular faith has adopted as it's ideology.
In large part, most true faiths are a peaceful and loving faith at it's core (fanaticism perpetrated by their followers is not what most faiths preach). And all these faiths want the same be one with their creator. I, personally, don't think any of them are wrong and I don't think any of them are the ONLY WAY. It's up to us to choose our path and do our best to live it and, more importantly, represent it in a way that brings respect to it when observed by those who may still be undecided in their path of choice.
On a lighter note, Splicer Life 4me.....I coulda swore I saw Elvis at WalMart the other day in Texarkana, TX.