But here is the rub, we supposed have an impartial judicary who is as bad as the politicians or worse. They are not elected, serve for life and see the Constitution as a 'living document'. This is why, to me at least, who we elect president matters. Supreme Court nominee's. The Constitution needs to be construed as written. Not interpreted, not bent to meet todays views, read and followed as is or else amend it. This fact alone was enough for me not to vote for Obama. Look at some of the opinions in recent memory like Ginsberg wanting to let foreign court decisions influence US ones.
I cant wait to see who Obama nominates to replace Souter, who is only looking to leave because of his ass backwards eminant domain ruling that caused people in his home state of New Hampshire to try and take his home to build a museum. Funny how the law is good when it effects someone else but bad when applied to ones self isn't it.