Re: at&t strike??
Member #: 68356
Registered: 5/4/2009
Elite Communication LLC.
Fiber Spilcer/troubleshooter
manhole or fiber trailer near you
early 50s
~27 years
You guys make a good point ..But as a sub i make around 2500 - 3000 per week with no bens ..And alot more for storm damage.. around 6000 per week in new orleans in 2006- 2007 ... But what we are really talking about here is gread from union workers who have money took out of there checks to pay some fat cat lobiest to fight to make laws so they can keep a job that most of them take know pride in ...Where as a contractor i fight my own fights and take alot of pride in what i do,work my ass off to make sure that any one that opens a encloser ive built and spliced that its thre way its mint to be not a f*ucking mess for the next tech to figure out..Inhouse guys have always and will always only think of there selfs and watch the clock for the horn to blow @ 5:00

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Posted in reply to: Re: at&t strike?? by MCSub
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