As the wars of the Bush admin . are fought , The crimes of the bush admin . are now coming to the front page, the economy in a reckless down fall which has not been slowed nor given the time of day , as still needed . Socialism is only on the front burner by people whom enjoy stirring the pot. my taxes your taxes have not changed Up or down . People being given food stamps are in need . is not socialism .To bring health care up as a needed area of concern . example of our out of control health care system . Ann who is on medicare recieves a notice of bill for Xrays
Medicare pays 36 dollars Bill is paid Ann pays 7 dollars . Ann's husband has the same xray no insurance His bill 964 dollars . Husband who has no insurance is billed an amount he just can't pay and is written off by the hospital . Now if this is not addressed or is where does socialism come to the for front . some social programs nee to be made not pounded on by those that have screwed up the system
Re: social goals being met
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