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Re: Full time employee.....Why would anyone want t

You are exactly right shadow. The full time employee deal is a complete scam. It really does serve the guys who own the prime contract company. It is how we make sure that we get at least 25 percent back from each tech. It drive me crazy and I am just about tired of it too. The way it works is that if you are a full time employee we get all kinds of money back from you and dont have to worry about the fight to keep it. I can rent a truck thats already paid for and I can do alot of other things that most sub contract based companies would try to pull on there techs. Its all justa a scam so that the rich get richer and the techs stay poor. Its not going to change as long as scared prime owners and P.M.s are chicken S*&^. I know I can go battle the cable company and get money back for most of my techs but why would I do that when I can keep all of it up front? Its nothing more than a chickeS*&^ scam and the people who own the primes make out like fat cats and starve the techs.
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Posted in reply to: Full time employee.....Why would anyone want to:?? by Shadowman
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