Re: Praise His Name
Member #: 153
Registered: 1996-2001
Gary Vest
Gary Vest
Bowlin Group
Williamsburg, OH
early 60s
~43 years
I never knew that it made a difference either, until I really started dividing God's word. When the wife and I decided we were not living our lives as the Lord intended for us to, we also rededicated our lives to Him, and this time was actually "born again". I was raised Catholic, went to Catholic school, was an alter boy, went through all the sacraments, just shy of marriage, and yet lived my whole life as an unsaved man, living of the flesh, and not the Spirit. Since being saved, I see exactly what it means to believe in God and not serve Him. I found I was not truly saved. It takes true repentance, accepting Jesus Christ, and being filled with the Spirit, a regenerated heart, seeing sin as God sees sin and turning from it. Anyway, now that I have chased that rabbit, I did discover, through my studies, that there is a BIG difference in Bibles. Through the Faith Bible Institutes course, we learned WHY the KJV is the purest form of the original books that make up the Bible. It would take way too long to post all that here, but I am sure one could Google the history of the Bible and find out just as much, if not more, information on why the KJV is truly God's unadulterated word that He wants us to use as our instruction manual if you will. You study God's word daily, you will find the answers to all life's question as well as faith, comfort, peace, love, and most of all a TRUE relationship with Him. I could go on and on about my love for the Bible, but I have sat here a bit too long, and now am late to the field. Thanks for sharing that, Michael. It is always uplifting to read testimonies. Shows God's work, and love, to the sinner's heart.
Gary Vest
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