I will admit I am not a lineman and I dont gaff (we cant here in mass) but I do have alot of respect for you guys.....
However I know some people piss you off as they do me but the fact I use a ladder by no means makes me a pussy, (of course being 6'6" tall and weighing 300lbs. makes it tough to be a pussy)
I will go up the pole with the best of them in any weather at any time in any area.
I have done 2 and 3 pole RG-11 hits in snowstorms over 4 lane highways.
I have done them in wind and rain.
I have had the ladder hanging from the hooks the strand was so high.....still went up.
I have had to put it in the step on the passenger side of my truck for extra height.
I am in no way asking for any more respect than I give I have not done the line work all of you have but I have only been in cable 3.5 years and ALL of it has been in the field not behind a desk and given the chance I would love to learn line work from the ground up.
I am in no way fearless but I will do what it takes to get the job done EVERY TIME!.
Guys please dont take any of this the wrong way I am not complaining just saying my piece and if you all want me to refrain from coming to the linemans forum I will respect that.
Thanks for your time and your hard work all over America.