Re: Satellite Junction.......good, bad , ugly.....
I wasnt going to say anything after reading all this but since trey got on here I just have to respond I never dealt with trey always his dad however all my work and paperwork was good and eventually I got paid for most of my jobs but still havent been paid for all of them and yes I quit doing jobs without giving the notice but I was driving 80 miles to a job every day after telling them over and over I would only go 50 mile radius and after not being paid my first pay check for over 2 months and then getting paid for 1 job and being told over and over that they were waiting on pay from their prime for my jobs before I would be paid I just couldnt afford it anymore and I told john this several times that if i did not receive a good portion of my pay I would no longer be able to do installs. I also think there payroll is unorganised I was charged for there insurance when I gave them proof of my own and that was supposed to be refunded and instead it got charged again ive never seen it to this day either. I will tell you that john and trey are good people and they want to do you right however the feeling I got was the company was in a little trouble financially and if you are going to expand to be a large scale operation you have to be able to pay your techs even if you havent been paid on the job yet. but I will say im not a hater if I were to get paid everything owed to me and had some kind of absolute proof I would be paid ontime for all jobs completed I would work for them again if I ever needed to.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Satellite Junction.......good, bad , ugly..... by SatJunc2008
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