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Re: 90% tax on bonuses for bailout companies

They should have let all of these companies go chapter 11. All they are doing now is drawing it out. This current mess is written into the law giving AIG the money, they all knew about the bonuses but because it is now in the light, like cock roaches, they are all running for cover. When are we going to learn to not trust these politicians and to outright confront them. I am not worried about hurting their feelings. They work for us. If they don't like having to honestly answer tough questions, get another job.

All that I can see from this bill is a bunch of lawsuits, more millions spent on government lawyers defending them, and losing in the end. How do you change the tax code retroactively? We are letting these people run amok out of fear. Everyone wants to talk about the past administration doing the same thing. This non sense needs to stop before we destroy the whole country.

All of this mess with the economy was created by the very politicians who are telling us they are going to save us. How ironic. An old proverb is very applicable in these times. Actions speak louder than words. I hear alot of blah blah blah from these idiots, but their actions leave alot to be desired. They all say they are for the American people and are going to do everything they can for us all.

What a load of crap. The Dems want to create a nanny state, run our lives for us and the right wants to allow anything goes. We all know deep down this is true. Any time you allow an extreme to rule the day you are asking for trouble. I in general believe in very limited government, but you need some controls. Neither the democrats or republicans want to use common sense.  I lean more to the republican side by a mile, but they are not free from the slime of our current financial and overall problems. We need to start voting our conscience as opposed to our desire for "free" things from Uncle Sam. There is no "free", some one has to pay for everything. Just remember that as we start down this road for free health care brought to you by the same idiots who run medicare and social security.
This is posting #247542. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: 90% tax on bonuses for bailout companies by C.HAROLD
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: 90% tax on bonuses for bailout companies drifterdawg 3/19/2009 10:06:34 PM
Re: 90% tax on bonuses for bailout companies LocoDawg 3/19/2009 9:16:21 PM
Re: 90% tax on bonuses for bailout companies C.HAROLD 3/19/2009 8:17:57 PM