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Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha

Yeah the same way that you feel you are misunderstood that is the same way Mr Holder feels, Now the same thing that they The President and Mr Holder was reponding to was the Clip in the NY Post with cops shooting down a monkey and saying "Now we have to find someone else to write the Stimulies Bill" Who was they talking about ? Now the same way Mr Holder said "We are a nation of cowards" He DID NOT SAY "WHITE PEOPLE ARE A NATION OF COWARDS" so why is it that white people are the only ones taking offence to the Statment ? The man said we the Key word WE. This country for all that we are we need to Grow up. and i mean we all need to grow up white, black, green and blue. We have people that want to KILL US ALL AMERICANS THEY DON'T LOOK AT COLOR. But we seem to can't get past the color of a persons skin. I myself don't care what your color is i will treat you the same way you treat me and in most cases i will kill them with kindness. When those planes went into the world trade center i saw over 3000 people that died not just white people or how many black people, When they crashed the plane into the pentagon i saw americans killed i have no idea what color they where, You know why because it does not matter, WE ARE AMERICANS AND WE ALL SHOULD WANT THE SAME DREAM. Now this part is for some of these Bigots here, I work hard every day for some bigot to get on here and assume that i need a bailout or i am on welfare because i am black, There are alot of white people on welfare to and i don't hear any of these coward bigots make any menton of that. There is not no one in my family getting anything for free, We have to work for what we have. But to clear the ignarance of people we need to talk, But i like your Idea Bumper Sticker or something else we really need to talk more maybe me and you can make a change.

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