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Re: They have Black History Month, Why Can't we ha


    you see people here is so blinded by there bigotry and with that they don't even know that it is BLACK HISTORY MONTH not a holiday. There are alot of things that i have learned within that month that i didn't learn in these so called schools. Black people are a very important part of america weather you want to belive so or not. There has been many acheaivements in the Black comunity and we are hoping there are more, You see eric Holder hit a nerve with what he said and they say the truth hurts and it looks like it is bothring alot of people. In this country with all the media outlets People have to be careful when telling how they feel or telling the Truth as some many people want other people to Kiss there behinds and think the way they think. Eric holder is right but if i was him i would have went further with my statement. Black history month is a way for Black people to learn more about the history that has been robbed from them, We learn about all other history in schools but not black history. Now as far as Columbus he was a Murder and a rapists why do we get that day off. Now there is alot of White history do you want to start to Relive some of it, You tell me what White History you want to learn about, Because i have learned alot myself and we can exchange Notes. Now what is that Statement you made "Here we go and it starts Black and white........... They use it even thoe they rule the world now!!!!!!!!! I do not get it...... Very sad day indeed.....
We are all in a world of hurt people we just do not know it yet.....:("

Now if that is not a Racist Statement what is
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