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Spreading Slanderous Lie's, Rumor's or Blackballing Individual's!!!!!!!!!!!

Just a word to those MSO personnel and/or Contractor personnel that are currently involved in the spreading of damaging "rumor's" and or "Blackballing" individual's for "ANY REASON"!
This is "Highly illegal", against the EEOC and if investigated and proven can be a VERY COSTLY "LAWSUIT"!!!
For "those" of you out there that "know" exactly what I am speaking of this is your fair warning!
I currently have THREE companies/individuals & their employee's being invesigated for violation of my rights & this unlawful act! Just because something does not happen immediately, does not mean nothing is being done!
Just like I will "NEVER" give up on collections on work I have completed and not been paid for! I will "NEVER" give up on persuiting this issue!
I have spent my "life" in this industry from a teenager to make a career! It has cost me many surgeries and a liftime of problems!
I will NOT stand by idle and let people try to trash that due to their "Slanderous Lies"!
Isn't speaking slanderous lies about someone also just like shooting them in the back? Afraid to face them?
I will really enjoy hurting those individuals and/or the companies they work for where it really hurts! The big fat wallet!
Thanks for your attention!

Mark A. Pickrell
This is posting #24081. Tiny Link: