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Anyone care to compare the Great Depression to where we are today? Exactly what caused it (several factors) and the similarities (damn near exact, as i see it)! Our own industry being a case in study! CEO's of your industry with gazillions of bucks while you come on this board and argue about a $7 wall fish and some other chump tellin' ya what you will do for "free"! If we would have stood up and demanded a lucrative compensation all along instead of bidding each other in to the dirt ya might still be considered a "consumer" able to "purchase" goods without maxin' out your credit card and furthering the path to disaster! Get your Hoover blankets and your Hoover flag ready to fly over your Hoover home in Hooverville! It's already here, unless of course ya think your newly elected has a magic wand with a Newer Deal!
This is posting #232235. Tiny Link:
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: Hooverville Gwester843 11/14/2008 4:21:00 PM
Re: Hooverville Gwester843 11/14/2008 4:00:00 PM
Re: Hooverville mister meaner 11/14/2008 1:20:00 PM
Re: Hooverville uknowme2 11/14/2008 11:58:00 AM
Re: Hooverville runnindrops 11/14/2008 11:31:00 AM