Re: Sub contractor abuse?
I have found over the years the best thing to do is pack it up. People dont change and if his attitude is this bad now how are you going to end the job. Guy owes you several thousand in retainage, youre screwed. If you stay, document everything and let him know you are saving e-mails for documentation. Any work you do have him sign off on, not his friend or anyone else he calls corporate officer. Best thing is to research jobs and contractors before you commit. Liens on work done and not paid also works for you in your situation, attach the customer and youll be amazed how fast invoices get paid. To become a prime, youll need alot more in your court. Small businesses usually dont make it in broadband as a prime, waiting 120 days for partial payment will kill you. Hold your ground, leave if you cant make it work and sue the contractor if you have to. The problem with our industry is we all let too much get by. If everyone that got screwed in cable all quit at once, God it would be a dark night in America. Good luck, Cablesensei
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