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I must get this off my chest( REVISED)

I must appoligize to everybody for my previous posting. That was uncalled for on my end. Thanks to another cable brother that P.Med me and explained to me from the other end of the cable life which I have forgotten about. I know that there is alot of good workers that do their best. Unfortuanly, there is a few bad one here that makes it harder for the rest of us. Both in-house and contractors. I know some of you think that the in-house guys are lazy and just put off jobs for somebody else. Alot of us don't. But there is the few who will and makes us look bad.

Here in the system I work in. There is only four of us that runs around 900-1000 miles worth of plant. 1. installer/service 1. service tech 1. want a be maintence tech and 1. maintence tech. Little to say, I run about 400-500 miles of plant by myself. Also out of the install scene unless absolutly need to do one. I mostly just fix things. Some is due to mother nature which nobody can dodge. Most of them is install related. Most of the install here is done by contractors. Which there is a add needing contractors for my area on the install help wanted page. We need really good installers here. If most of you could see some of the most BS work I have to sit back and redo because THAT PERSON was in a hurry. You might have the same feelings as I do.

I will make a deal with everybody on cablebar. If you come to my system and you due your best. You WILL NOT hear a peep out of me. Matter of fact, I'll come help you if needed. Not many in-house guys will do that. If I do get a return call on you depending what the problem is. I will take care of you the best as I can. I know we are only human and mistakes happens. Like, you missed a connector, a splitter you didn't see. Sh#t happens. But, I will weed the bad ones out. Don't make my job no harder than it is now. Now I think that is a fair deal.
This is posting #227035. Tiny Link:
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: I must get this off my chest( REVISED) IslandCableDog 9/16/2008 12:25:00 AM
Re: I must get this off my chest( REVISED) Lightmaster 9/15/2008 8:43:00 PM