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Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path

Here's a thought for those that think supply and demand can't be manipulated! Jobs! Let's just create a make believe situation! Say our government decided to let 20 million Mexicans enter our country illegally (we're just makin' believe now) which increased the "supply" of cheap labor! Now these 20mil. baby makers had a conservative 4 kids (anchor babies) each (remember, we're making believe now)> That's 20 mil. times 4 giving you 80 mil. new consumers plus the 20 mil. baby makers. Now you have an overabundant "supply" of cheap labor and, what's that? consumers? Yes, that's the key word! Consumers! Whereever there is a consumer there is money to be made! Considering these folks can only consume so much (they're only makin' slave wages, which just went lower because the supply increased) now what are ya gonna do? The rich will get richer, the poor will get poorer and there will be no in between! Your government destroyed your country and it's dreams! Who are these government folks? The British aren't comin', they never left! Along with every other empirical nation on the face of the earth! Lotta folks lived and died for nothin'! Their efforts came full circle! All right! Enough of the "make believe"! Startin' to scare myself! Later, Mike M.
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Posted in reply to: Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path by voices
There are 3 replies to this message
Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path CABLE JOE 9/14/2008 1:54:00 AM
Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path hookman 81 9/13/2008 9:12:00 PM
Re: Fuel Alert for hurricane Path LocoDawg 9/13/2008 5:48:00 PM