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Re: the ant and the grasshopper

You know it amazes me how some people will take what they hear and run with it. The government regulates welfare more than people think. If you live in government housing in Florida and you have a job you have to pay a portion of your rent. No less than one third if you are a single parent with 2 or more children. The more money you make the more rent you pay.You are also responsible for your light and water. If any of your utilities are shut off more than twice you will be evicted. The utility companies report each disconnection. If you are unemployed for a long period of time and you can prove that you are actively looking they will make up your portion of the rent and utilities. However there is a catch. You must work as a volunteer for one of the numerous county agencies for whatever they need you for and you must bring a certified letter from that agency. The department of labor will send the person's caseworker available jobs. If they don't show up to interviews or cannot keep a job for a decent length of time they are booted from the program. In Georgia they give a single mother the opportunity to take college county classes however she must be working to be elgible. Upon graduation they are given a time to find a job and then removed from the program. In both states they issue them food cards to feed their families as long as they meet the criteria. All welfare programs require you to work and government housing is not as common as people think. Most people are on waiting lists for years. The system has rules and regulations that were voted on by both parties. The welfare system is not what it used to be in the seventies and early eighties. The problem is the rules are not properly enforced. There are a bunch of lazy fools who will not manage and monitor their cases. The housing authorities are not properly funded and they are maintaining their properties well. The properties go to hell and the people who have some ambition and goals move. If the housing project has no or low occupants then their is no funding. So property managers are ignoring the rules and allowing lawlessness to happen so that they can keep their jobs. Some local governments are playing the federal government for money. How many times have you heard city officials misusing funds and going to jail. The mayors and governors pretend that they never knew what was happening however if their people were doing their jobs they would know. Don't believe the hype. Remember when techs were payed for rework and never did it. They were playing the system so a QCer was needed. None of them were called grasshoppers they were called hustlers until they were proven as thieves. It is human nature to take advantage of an easy opportunity. If either party had nothing to point out that the other was doing wrong we would have only one party. If there were no people who needed looking out for there would be no "people's candidate". Stop doing the politicians work by repeating their speeches . The Government needs to enforce the rules that they have.
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Posted in reply to: Re: the ant and the grasshopper by linedawg
There are 5 replies to this message
Re: the ant and the grasshopper oldlinedawg 8/22/2008 7:12:00 PM
Re: the ant and the grasshopper nrb1 8/22/2008 3:59:00 PM
Re: the ant and the grasshopper nrb1 8/22/2008 7:07:00 AM
Re: the ant and the grasshopper sab3r 8/20/2008 10:10:00 PM
Re: the ant and the grasshopper IslandCableDog 8/20/2008 9:21:00 PM