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Re: Here it comes.....

Right on the button Altec.

The "Piece Rate Converted" formula is used here in Las Vegas and has been for a number of years. Primes are now seeing thier marginal net income percentage reduced into the neighborhood of about 7 to 10% total profit. That's with ALL the techs firing on all 8 cylinders and not causing property damage or QC chargebacks. It's doable as there are plenty of Primes still operating after quite a number of years. How they are doing it is thru hiring quality techs and lots of training. Lots of QA by the supervisors, Lots of feedback to those quality techs.

So all you "Hack Houses" thinking you can get a contract, hire up/train up as many as possible, as fast as possible ... then clean up the mess later ..... guess what ...... You ain't gonna make it anymore.

If you think your gonna operate under your old paradigm, Altec has it right. Eventually all your techs will quit on you when thier paycheck average drops. Bottom line ... you're gone and out of business. Got some questionable hires in your staff when it comes to immigration? Best hope you don't get an Dept. of Labor audit. HR 6111 forces them to share SS# discrepancies, Employee Tax ID discrepancies all with thier sister offices, i.e. IRS/INS/ICE.

Know what Altec?? I can hear some PRIME brains grinding... "Oh convert to hourly?? Ok.... I'll just use the tech's start-stop times on each install and then add up thier time each day. That will keep the hours down and over-time to nothing."

Not so fast uber-brain .... best read up on the "Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947". My last employer didn't and he's got about 250k in back wages he's paying next year.

Read up PRIMES and SUBS ...... Everyone is taking a hosing in one way, shape, or form. Best find the way to position yourself so it's not in the "Bent-Over" position.
This is posting #219665. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: Here it comes..... by altec
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: Here it comes..... bushmaster 6/4/2008 9:23:00 AM
Re: Here it comes..... altec 6/4/2008 2:57:00 AM