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Re: SO what do you guys think of this one?

old school dude has many great points on "Why" it's an issue for an MSO.

I think i can add one more reason your MSO is bugging out on you: If you are a salaried employee and are recieving health/medical or any other MSO employee benefits (including discounted cable rates for your home) .... Your MSO cannot have you working for a contract installer in the same system.

It would fall under the agreements against "Co-Employment". Worst case scenario for the MSO IF .........IF ...... you went to work for a contractor at the same time comes from not the contractor, but from the other employees with that contractor. "Hey!! .... salesdawg gets benefits and he works here with us at XYZ Installs Inc. WE WANT BENNIES TOO!!"

Your being there co-employed opens the door and sets the precedent that install contractors DO have access to the same MSO benefits. You would be working proof of it.

Now imagine the cost to the MSO Human Resouces department to add ALLLLL those installers from the contract houses.

It's the bottom line baby. The bottom line.

Good Luck on choosing which side of the fence you want to work on.
This is posting #217813. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: SO what do you guys think of this one? by salesdawg
There are 2 replies to this message
Re: SO what do you guys think of this one? dsatelitmn 5/9/2008 9:50:00 AM
Re: SO what do you guys think of this one? Nate30 5/9/2008 2:22:00 AM