Most of the time he spends alone, in some remote area, removed from his own, the people he deals with not really his friends, the task he must do, has many loose ends.
I'm talking about the man in the field, the overwhelming responsibilities that his job does yield, the concerted effor that he must make, the problem headaches that he must shake.
The many hats that he must wear, the project burdens that he must bear, the role of leader and diplomat, the referee of every spat.
The nucleus of men he tries to mold, to build the systems that sales has sold, the turnover rate of people he's trained, the production lost that should have been gained.
The make ready and clearances that never were done, but his clock is now running, his job has begun, the material shortage, the weather , the rain, the customer's pressure-they all are a pain !!
The easements, the trees they never did trim,the running rate per budget is ever so slim, prior commitments of which he had no voice, The customer at times must be given the choice .
The home office promises, that may not be kept, are just part of the things this guy must accept. His budget to meet-the deadline draws near, his calling for help, falls on deaf ear.
His job is not easy and the support that he seeks, may have gone unanswered for too many weeks, He does his job well but in spite of it all, someone else has hurt him by dropping the ball.
At times he's the warehouseman, and his own grunt, an unloader of trucks, what more do you want. His office is usually too warm or too cold, most available place in town he is told.
An let us not forget the paperwork involved, a necessary evil, that has never been solved, it does not do itself and that is for sure and for what he did above--- just add another chore !!
Yes, the lineman, the man on the pole, the guy that's on site, the one to the conventions they rarely invite, the person who builds it just phases after phases. The man most responsible - the reason it plays.!!
This gentlemen in whom we have placed so much trust, is really the guy that can make it or bust. He must have support-it is that simple you see.....If not, lock the door ---throw away the key !!
Gentlemen- I think it's time to lock the door.
Take Care, God's speed in your retirement days.....Microman