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Re: FCC Ruling on Multifamily units

Don't chop him to hard ------
You just answered part of the problem. Under states rights a state may put in place laws and the owner may take advantage of those laws to restrict access to his property. The F.C.C. has deemed that this practice is discriminatory and may unlawfully benefit the MSO and or operator and not the tenet of his right to
1. freedom of association-" I can do business with any one I want
2. freedom of speech. "I can listen to any one news show I want"
3. Shop the market place for the best deal. Free trade
It also denies the over builder or other provider a customer
They the over builders claim this is an unlawful restraint of trade.
This is a federal issue.
This is posting #206669. Tiny Link:
Posted in reply to: Re: FCC Ruling on Multifamily units by techseven
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