Thanks for all of your inputs, its been a real help. one thing I might pass along to anyone thinking of getting into working for (time warner) comcast as an employee, think twice. They made me a repair tech without ever installing once. I picked it up about 3 months into it, except phones, which I still havent figured out. (they spent about 1/2 hour teaching me phones and thats it). There were alot of days I would be in someones house trying to fix something where I had no idea what I was doing. Not to mention alot of houses where I go in and see that veteran techs have been there over and over and the customer is still having the problem. 75% of the customers I go to are pissed off so everyday I have to deal with a couple irate people. Then to tell the truth after all the troubleshooting I do I dont think sometimes
its even in the house or at the tap. Seems like there's something bigger going on like trying to shove, video, internet, phones, alarm, hd, etc over a cable line is just too much period. SO whatever you do dont ever become a REPAIR TECH, no one wants to do it. Anyway, after all the inputs, I think Ill give contracting a try and see if I can clear a grand a week. THANKS