Member #: 695
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Posted: 1828
Company: Team WHITFIELD
Occupation: CableDog Name It
Location: Where ever I throw my hat CABL Addict

IP: Address Logged 2/2/2007 3:22:22 PM
Superbowl Weekend , Winners vs Losers
Member #: 695
Registered: Long ago
Posted: 1460
Company: Team WHITFIELD
Occupation: CableDog Name It
Location: Where ever I throw my hat CABL Addict
IP: Address Logged 10/23/2005 4:56:48 PM
Winners vs Losers
The Winner is always part of the answer.
The Loser is always part of the problem.
The Winner always has a program.
The Loser always has an excuse.
The Winner says "Let me do it for you"
The Loser says "Thats not my job"
The Winner sees an answer in every problem.
The Loser sees a problem in every answer.
The Winner sees a green near every sand trap.
The Loser sees two or three sand traps near every green.
The Winner says "It may be difficult , but its possible."
The Loser says " It may be possible but its too difficult."
These are words given to me by one of my mentors , use them well . The next time some one is crying they can't get the job done print this out ,give this to them along with a hand towel, tell them the Duck said dry your eyes lets get it done. I dedicate these words to the words to four people 3 of which are gone on before me . Pat Dobbs my best lady friend ever , Roger Newby my high school teacher , who took me and our team to the State level to take second in the state , in Public Speaking under Roberts Rules of Order in the FFA , Roger was also a town comissioner as well as chairman of the School Board .Michael Anthony Panazerilla (TONY) For his love for Children and all of his assistance in helping to maintain Childrens Sports in Newport . Maryor Darrel Garner for all you do for this county . These people Were and are my mentors , they gave me heart and from whom I learned never to quit . If your alive getter done!!!!!