this is going to come out wrong..........but that's over. i respect you for all that you've done (i'm just an installer, but i've been walked off a pole at gun point before so i know it gets hairy), and that you continue to do. but it's a new world all over and while you may deserve more respect than you get, the days that yoiu reference will soon be gone from memory. am i a dawg? guess not. so you don't get the respect you think you deserve or that the word "dawg" should be reserved just for those that are old enough to remember the times you are talking about. i can live with that. i'm sure that i don't get the respect i deserve most days. all the same, the decisiveness that propagates here on the bar is counterproductive for us all. divide and conquer keeps us all shortchanged.
all the same, enjoy your evening and be careful tomorrow.
Re: Are dawgs technicians? Are auditers dawgs?
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