Re: Mastec
Member #: 3420
Registered: 1996-2001
Big 3
MSo Slave
As I stated this was not meant to offend anyone and was my own personal experience with this company, In no way am I defending them or their business practices and i am no longer employed with them either. The first Manager i worked for under Mastec was a complete jerk, but when the new manager came along things got a little better. This company is so large that i have a feeling that alot depends on where it is located and how management is run. I have SEEN alot of bad business practices out of them but was able to stear clear of the B.S. by not giving them a reason to start on me. Again, I apologize to anyone I offended it was not meant as a defense of Mastec or a degradation of those having problems with them. I was only stating my personal opinion.

This is CABL.com posting #187597. Tiny Link: cabl.co/mWXV
Posted in reply to: Re: Mastec by joeatstellar
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