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Re: are installers "dawgs"?

My husband and I did rebuild on a large system for 3 years, yes I do agree that the construction side of this business is harder and a bit rougher, he would go on the road several times out of state I stayed home with the kids, I am not a dawg, I don't really understand the Love for this field, because I have and am still witnessing the heart ache it brings, the financal unstability it has, and the constant fear of what is going to happen when this gig is up.. I have gotten out of it, He never will , he is a "cable dawg" he loves his work and the people that share his love for it. I am the one who keeps a steady job, to pay the taxes, the insurance and such... I repsect all of the men and women in this field because I have done it and know what it takes to do it daily.... All people should be as proud as cable dawgs
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Posted in reply to: Re: are installers "dawgs"? by KODIAKSQ
There is 1 reply to this message
Re: are installers "dawgs"? Thelongclimbhome 3/25/2007 11:35:00 PM