YES.....now im a line rat for awhile,and how can you tell me that a installer that has been in the wurk for longer than some line pups.are not dawgz.?..if anything they are the last dawgz left and the future..yeah,yeah,we used to laugh,and say if ya cant hack it go to installs...but..today there is just not enough oppertunities to become stickman,like back in the day,well maybe the main reason is money.....but anyway, installers,i got yer back like i said before ....you tell somebody that has wurked in 15 diffrent states,and all sorts of weather,got to know all kinds of systems ,that you aint a dawg,i would(personally knock you in the mouth)..so what ya cant stick a pole, so what,dont matter anymore..personnally i got nothing left to prove those dayz are over...just my point of view.....cmon cowboy....whhaatt