you can go out and work for peanuts or scraps if you want to. but i choose to make what i know and the knowledge that i have from the years of installing work for me. when i got into this fine industry the rule was NOTHING IS FREE YOU DONT DO NOTHING FOR FREE. yes i know that is old school mentality but that is still what i live by. you may go out and work for the price that they want to give you. but dont start slandering me because i work smarter not harder and, yes when they want a basic install that is what they get. wrap that house with wire and get on down the road. if they want it done thier way then they pay me for it done thier way if the want the wire hid or under the floor or a wallfish then yes they pay me. i have a trade and that is worth something and it isnt what they pay from the co.
so the next time you call someone a kid or a hack. you might want to know the person you are refering to before that you insult someone. as for your thoughts on the ideas of volume should = less or lower rates for installs that is ignorant to me. just shows me that you seem to be one of those ppl in out industry that needs to go and be a lap dog for dtv in one of thier vans so they can tell you what you need to do and hold your hand to do it. you weaken our industry as a whole. because you dont seem to think for yourself. just go by the rules they set down so they can keep you working for nothing at the end of the day.